Extinction 2020

Since life began on Earth, countless creatures have come and gone, rendered extinct by naturally changing physical and biological conditions. Since extinction is part of the natural order, and if many other species remain, some people ask: “Why save endangered species? Why should we spend money and effort to conserve them?  How do we benefit?” - U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service

*Although extinction occurs naturally, scientific evidence strongly indicates that the current rate of extinction is much higher than the natural or background rate of the past. The main force driving this higher rate of loss is habitat loss.

* In 11 years from now it has been guesstimated that African Elephant species will be extinct. Children of future generations will NEVER be able to see the beauty of these animals.

*Elephants are truly a magnificent species and research to them has not even began to breach the surface. If we kill them off we may never be able to realize their true potential to the environment, world and overall human race.

*Animal species and their ecosystems form the basis of America’s multi-billion dollar, job-intensive tourism industry. They also supply recreational, spiritual, and quality-of-life values as well.

*Plants and animals hold medicinal, agricultural, ecological, commercial and aesthetic/recreational value. Endangered species must be protected and saved so that future generations can experience their presence and value.